Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Unfinished business

Our time together
Will  always be
No matter how hard we try to clean it up
There will always be
That we didn't do
Or say
Or try
A moment we wish
That we could take away
Or do differently 
Or make it last longer
It's these moments
That make us find each other again
To have that last conversation
To see each other one  last time just for a sec
To scour emails or
Ask friends for contact info
It's the reason that we both say 
No more ever
Then fall into a new habit of dysfunction 
Trying to finish it right
Once and for all
The moment we realize that CLOSURE 
Is not for relationships
Or lust 
Or love 
The happier we will be
The ones we love the most will always be 
Unfinished Business 
That's best left unfinished

K <3


Miss SupAficial said...

sometimes you have to let sleeping dogs sleep

Mrs KiKi Dawn said...

So true miss supaficial so damn true

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